Garden Roofs for Commercial Buildings

Green spaces on commercial and industrial roofs are steadily gaining popularity in urban areas. They may serve several purposes, from aesthetics to food growing. However, the most notable reasons for considering garden roofs are environmental impact, temperature control and heat island effect reduction.

What is a Green or Rooftop Garden Roof?

Roofs designed with landscaping on the top are often referred to as "garden" and "green" roof systems. These installations include a waterproofed deck for the foundation, along with a root barrier, drainage layers, soil substrates and vegetation itself - creating a multi-level extension of your space!

garden roof hero
garden roof on skyscraper
garden on flat roof looking down
garden roof and urban heat

Commercial Garden Roof Systems

  • ✔ Intensive: Planned and designed roofs incorporating plants and shrubs with a minimum soil depth of six inches. Intensive garden roofs place a heavier weight load on the roof and require irrigation, fertilization and routine maintenance.
  • ✔ Extensive: Minimal weight load on the roof with a soil depth of three to six inches and the use of smaller plants. Extensive garden roofs also have lower maintenance, nutrient and irrigation requirements.

Benefits of Rooftop Gardens

Energy savings

Energy savings

Garden roofs provide additional insulation to your building, allowing you to regulate the average indoor temperature with less energy.
Roof membrane life extension

Roof membrane life extension

The layers of garden roofs help protect your membrane from UV radiation, freeze and thaw cycles and significant temperature fluctuations.
Increased property value

Increased property value

If you are planning to re-sell or rent out your commercial building, a garden roof may improve the value of your property.
Healthier environment

Healthier environment

Garden roof may drastically reduce electromagnetic radiation and noise pollution (particularly low-frequency). They may also drastically improve the aesthetics of your buildings and serve as a community green space. 
Fire resistance

Fire resistance

Garden roofs offer an added layer of protection for your building, thanks to the presence of soil, rocks and other fire-resistant materials. These natural elements contribute to the overall fire resistance of the roof, enhancing the safety measures in place.

How Garden Roofs Help Combat the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon

City centers have observed severe temperature increases, commonly known as the urban heat island phenomenon. This dome of heat creates an unhealthy environment of polluted air and smog which green spaces on rooftops contribute to the moderation of that environmental issue. Vegetation of garden roofs absorbs UV energy preventing it from converting to heat. Additionally, plants’ dew and evaporation cycles provide additional air cooling while photosynthesis reduces greenhouse gasses.

Improve Your Facility's Environmental Impact with Green Roofs

Waste diversion from landfills

Waste diversion from landfills

Garden roofs preserve your roof membrane and prolong the life of your heating and cooling systems. Recycled materials are widely used in garden roof build-ups.
Decreased power usage

Decreased power usage

Garden roofs help maintain your facility's temperature, removing extra strain from power grids during peak seasons.
Improved air quality

Improved air quality

The vegetation helps filter pollutants from the air and saturates it with additional oxygen.
Sustainability efforts and education

Sustainability efforts and education

Depending on your building's functions, you can turn your garden roof into an educational or urban agriculture space that supports your company's sustainability initiatives.
Stormwater utilization

Stormwater utilization

Growing substrates of garden roof installations store rainwater and make it accessible to vegetation. This allows the plants to utilize it and return it to the air through evaporation and transpiration. This gradual use of stormwater also eases the stress on your roof's drainage systems and public sewer during prolonged rains and storms.

Why Select Centimark for Your Roof Garden Installation

If you are looking for a reliable roofing partner that understands your sustainability efforts, you are in the right place. Let's discuss how rooftop gardens may help your facility improve its environmental impact and your associate’s well-being.

Want a Stunning Rooftop Oasis?

Contact us now to begin designing your garden roof! Our skilled commercial roofing team is ready to assist you. We'll assess your roof's condition, requirements and facility usage to provide the best roof installation for your custom needs.